Websites presume Angelique Boyer to be dead

Two sites claims that the Rebelde actress died yesterday

Angelique Boyer
Foto: Mezcalent

It looks like someone playing a mean joke on Angelique Boyer. Two websites have already declared that the actress died on Wednesday, but each site gives a different reason.

One site claims that the Mexican soap actress, 20, died yesterday near her home in Mexico City after being shot five times by a gang. According to the site, her funeral was held this morning, where stars such as RBD, Anahí, Christian Chávez and Alfonso “Poncho” Herrera showed up. Her former co-workers, like Zoraida Gómez, Estefania Villareal, Eddy Villard, and Boyer's ex Diego González were also supposedly present.

On the other hand, paints a different picture regarding the faked death of the Alma de hierro (Televisa) star. They claim that lost control of her car near Puerto Vallarta and hit a concrete wall, allegedly dying on y estrellarse contra un muro de concreto de un paraje.

For now, none of this information has been confirmed, and seems to be a mean joke. tried to reach Boyer's rep to deny these claims, but has yet to hear a response.

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